My wonderful sister-in-law bought tickets for my family to ride the 1880 Holiday Express. Throughout the entire experience, I could not help but relate it to my journey on the iron horse with project based learning.
Our journey in the classroom isn’t always clear or easy. The journey may appear uncomfortable at times, but we keep chugging along. Amidst the twinkling lights we see Santa Claus. He boards the train and passes out a shiny bell to each child. I watch as my children admire their shiny new bell and suck on their candy canes. The sparkle in their eyes lets me know this is a moment that will forever be etched in their memory. I notice that students are motivated and passionate about learning. Yes, students are able to write a complete sentence with a capital letter and a period, but there is a bigger purpose at work here. Their experiences will last with them far beyond their first grade year. They are learning to explore their world, question things around them, and problem solve. They are developing into lifelong learners who want to make a difference. It was all worth it. It is well worth it.
The development of the railroad in the history of the American frontier was extremely influential. Students’ experiences with project based learning in the elementary years will impact them in numerous unimaginable ways. What is your experience with project based learning and how has it impacted your students?