Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. - Confucius

Friday, August 20, 2010


Continued to work on room arrangement today. The physical design of a classroom is critical for positive academic and social learning. Great care and thought go into my room set up every year. It is always a process. My room is a canvas and the painting is slowly unfolding before my eyes. Of course, it will not be complete until my 25 little artists add their unique talents and perspectives to the picture. My goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment where students want to be and are motivated to learn. I have always been and continue to be a curious and enthusiastic person. My hope is that my students catch that same passion for learning.

Mrs. Tautkus presenting at her Master's symposium, April 2010.       
Her work was on word sorts.
One of my wonderful teammates, Mrs. Tautkus, was also at school today. There can be no greater gift than having remarkable people to work with. Mrs. Tautkus is one of those people. Mrs. Tautkus is in her fifth year of teaching and is a huge asset to our team. She recently earned her Master’s Degree in Reading Leadership. She is innovative, creative, and hard working. I am blessed to work at a school that greatly values teamwork and collaboration. I leave you with this quote from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: "One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.” More on teams to come.

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